Small Group Personal Training

Our mission is to empower our members to become the best version of themselves by being active participants in a community focused on health, fitness, and nutrition. We understand that some athletes need more accountability and professional guidance by a coach, and we are here to help.

  • Small Group Personal Training combines the power of personal training with the accountability and motivation of a group-based atmosphere. SGPT is a great medium between PT and group classes, at significant savings as compared to our personal training! Groups can be joined by individuals at any time, and new groups can be formed for people who want to join and train together.

    SGPT is perfect for the individual who wants personalized attention and workouts directed towards their specific goals, with the added benefit of having other members help keep each other accountable. Small group training facilitates a bond between the individuals and the coach, as well as the individuals to each other. This extra layer of accountability and motivation helps people stay on track to hit their goals together!

    Coaches are adept at modifying workouts for the group, so individuals of different experience levels can train together in a cohesive unit. Workouts are written toward the specific goals of each individual in the group, with modifications and substitutions available for individuals at different levels.

    No matter what your goal is, Small Group Personal Training is a great way to work with a coach to meet your individual needs, at a lower price than traditional 1-1 Personal Training. All of our trainers are nationally certified and are a leading example in the fitness industry, and we are ready to help you reach your goals!

Free Demo Times: Monday + Thursday 9:30-10:30AM

Inquire about our Personal Training Today with Jared!

Meet Our Trainers

All Spark Trainers are fully certified and credited professionals who are always looking to evolve with their profession.

Take a look at each of their bios to get to know them a little better and understand their own personal philosophy and motivation when it comes to working with new clients. 

Kelli Vossler

  • I love being part of something bigger than myself, which is why I chose to make an impact through fitness. Through coaching and motivating, I have seen athletes find their deepest hidden strengths and push beyond limits simply by believing in them. Fitness brings confidence which in turn will impact every facet of an athlete’s life for the better. Let’s get better together.

Jared Shepard

  • My priority is to help people feel passionate about fitness and healthy lifestyles and to help them be intrinsically motivated to make progress. I believe that in fitness and in life, goals need to be sustainable enough to reach, and exciting enough to stay motivated for the journey. Falling in love with the journey is what leads people to the results they desire, and motivates them to keep pushing towards new goals. I would love to help make a positive impact on people’s lives through fitness, and give them the tools to continue that healthy lifestyle, inside and outside of the gym.

Molly Corl

  • My goal as a personal trainer is to help you become the best version of yourself. With the busy lives that we all live, it’s time to focus on yourself and your personal growth. Remember the hardest part is showing up!

Alan Rodriguez

  • As an athlete, I have personally learned that fitness can change your life. My goal as a trainer is to influence my clients to create their personal fitness journey and celebrate the achievements we do together. Watching a client get that first pull-up, drop those first pounds, pick up a heavy barbell, or increase their mobility to get a barbell over their head for the first time is my definition of success. It fulfills me to watch clients conquer what they thought once thought impossible, and that’s why I love this job. Coaching brings me fulfillment, it brings me joy, it makes me happy.

Kate Cournoyer

  • My goal is to empower people to feel stronger and more confident both in and out of the gym. I believe in working towards and reaching goals in a safe and fun way to ultimately live a happier, healthier life. Fitness is for everyone and can provide the tools to become the best version of yourself.

Stephen Kenney

  • My goal as a personal trainer is to not just improve one's fitness level, but also turn my clients on to improving their entire lifestyle through a committed daily routine. As a child, I learned the beauty of determination and resilience when doctors told my parents that the likelihood of me even walking was unlikely. My circumstance is what motivates me daily, allowing me to be an example to others by showing that if one commits to working hard and the trusting the process, anything can be accomplished.

Inquire about our Personal Training Today with Jared!